
Saturday, August 21, 2010

Homemade ICE CREAM in 5 mins!

My mom sent this to me from another easy and fun!

1 Tbsp Sugar
1/2 Cup Milk
1/4 tsp vanilla
6 Tbsp Rock Salt
Qt size baggie
Gallon size baggie
Ice Cubes

~make one recipes per person and everyone gets their own bag.
~Mix the sugar, milk and vanilla into the Quart sized baggie. Seal it up!
~Measure the rock salt into the gallon baggie and fill it about 1/2 way with ice.
~Place the quart sized baggie inside the gallon baggie and seal it up!

Then hand them over to your kids, put on some crazy music and shake the baggies (or toss them back and forth to each other)!!! In about 5 min you will have ice cream!

Add fresh blueberries!

How adorable!! Yummy!


Sada said...

Landon and I totally just tried this and it works AND the ice cream is soooo good!!! fun!

Anonymous said...

Oh, boy, I'm so glad to know it know how I love ice cream! Would it be fun when Brad and kids are here? Maybe my house on Sunday. Mom

Anonymous said...

What a fun and yummy activity! Can't wait to try it with our little guy.
Love you, Robin