
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Snow Days & CAN I GET A HEALING??!!

It snowed in Spring/Houston Texas! Can we believe it!!?? It was 32 degrees yesterday and snowed for a couple of hours. It's always a special treat to see snow! As you can see it is a little desperate to be excited over, but we did get to make a mini snowman :) I made chicken and dumplin soup AND stayed in my PJs all day! Yea Winter!

Oh -- why the lemon, honey, and tea? I have had allergy/cold sickness for 2 weeks and I am singing a solo in our Christmas Pageant this weekend (3 nights in a row!). Praise the Lord...last night was the first of 3 nights and all went well.


Lacy said...

Hope you had another sucessful night and some healing!

Amy Jo said...

Hope you are feeling better! I am so sorry we missed the Christmas pageant. I was going to come last night and totally forgot about it. I'm sure you did great!

Anonymous said...

I know the outcome because I heard Sada sing two of the nights -- and her voice was beautiful. God was faithful -- as always! And, doesn't Landon look sweet with that little snowman! Awwww.....Grammy

Anonymous said...

P.S. that boy needs some mittens!

Anonymous said...

P.S. that boy needs some mittens!

The Youngblood Family said...

I know this is late....but I hope you are feeling better. Mr. Landon is too cute. He reminds me of my little Jake. We need to get together again. :)

The Kelso-Winter Family said...

We could ship you guys some of our excess snow for sure! But we have to outfit L in a proper parka. Any chance anybody taped your concert? I'm sure your voice was beautiful.