
Saturday, August 15, 2009

Detoured from the Mission

So....we were on a mission this morning to see what Halloween costumes were out (after seeing a Thomas the Train costume in a magazine for $35 - YIKES) hoping to find a cute one (not necessarily Thomas) for around $15 or so. Well....Target had no costumes out, so we looked at the toys for fun (nothing new). We tell Landon every time we go to the store -- you can look but no toys today.... well we were feeling soft because we said yes! And it was a big YES...the kid made out like a bandit! Look at this track it came with another Thomas the train AND another Percy the train. PLUS we found two Thomas books half off. Is it weird that I like getting new toys almost as much as him??!!


Lacy said...

Detoured is right...but hey life is short and some days need to be "yes" days! Go Landon....he's doing an "oh yah...I know it...they said yes" dance!

PS...your so on the ball about looking for a costume!!!!

Amy Jo said...

I want to come play!!

Anonymous said...

Choo choo! Go, Landon...go, Landon! Mom's on the laptop; Landon's on the train! XOXO Grammy

Anonymous said...

Fantastic!!!!Its lot of fun thanks for sharing such a good post..
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The Kelso-Winter Family said...

I'm thinking there must be someone who was Thomas and has a costume on craig's list or ebay... Has the other Thomas lover seen that cool new toy?