
Friday, May 22, 2009

A Houston Icon - on FIRE!!

We went to the Astros game last night (pictures to come) and found out on our way home that Gallery Furniture was on fire! It was a 4-11 (which means like 20 fire trucks were there)! How sad -- everyone knows Mattress Mac and Gallery Furniture!! When we passed we couldn't see the fire because it was in the warehouse behind the showroom, but we could definately see the glow and the ladder truck shooting water on it.

Although very sad, those who know me know it made my week to get a little piece of the action!


Anonymous said...

Thankfully, BJ was at the Astros game! It was wonderful hearing Jim MacIngvale say, "the LORD" about six times in a 1 minute phone interview with the TV station. He gave a strong message of God's provision and sovereign plan. "Tough times pass but tough people last!" So glad that God received glory above the flames. Grammy

Amanda said...

Sada, It's me Amanda!! I am doing as you said so you can find my blog! lol

please be my friend! lol